What we do

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Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine single use needles into specific body points. These points activate a relaxing response while reducing inflammation. Acupuncture releases endorphins and other balancing hormones and biochemicals causing many clinical symptoms to improve.



Cupping is used on soft tissue areas, relieving muscular tension, stimulating blood circulation and easing pain and discomfort.


Massage and Guasha

If appropriate a short 10 -15 minute massage or gua sha can be included with acupuncture therapy. Guasha, a light scrapping of the skin, to remove qi stagnation and thus act on inflammation. It can be used to treat chronic pain, such as arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as those that trigger muscle and joint pain.

What you can expect

On your first visit, we will discuss wha brought you along, as well as relevant medical and personal history. Chinese Medicine relies on good diagnosis and piecing together a picture of “you”. That’s why we ask a lot of questions, and check out other niggles. That’s why we allow an hour for the first consult. I want to to hear your story and tailor a treatment plan accordingly. If you are bringing an ACC claim, we will spend a little time on how the injury occurred and what you can and can’t do because of it.

Treatment may include acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, moxa therapy, and herbal medicine. We can talk about other lifestyle changes that may speed recovery.

What acupuncture treats

Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments may be effective in treating many conditions. The British Council of Acupuncture have produced fact sheets that provide accurate and unbiased general information for a variety of conditions. They provide summaries of research and how acupuncture may be beneficial.

What does it cost

15 minute phone consult is free.

ACC approved clients can expect your first visit to be $40 and each follow up $20

Private paying clients can expect to $80 for their first visit and $60 for follow up visits

Sometimes more frequent treatment are more effective in the beginning, - if so I am happy to discuss a package upfront cost to make this more accessible to you. This applies to pre birth acupuncture schedules too

Please inquire